Monday, April 20, 2009

[Garrett's] Justice Is Served

Garrett let me steal Justice for some puppy playtime on Friday afternoon. The little dude is 6 months old, and he really wore out the two girls. During this entire week, Darby never got tired of wrestling and pinning Cardigans, young and old. So it was a shock to see that she had met her match in the energy department after Justice arrived in the puppy pen. Darby even tried to nap, but Justice kept provoking her to play just a little bit longer...


Ebonwald Cardigans said...

oh my goodness he looked liked he was having fun! And he slept HARD that night :)

Sarah said...

Oh, those three drew quite a crowd over to watch the puppy play. We had to move chairs and grooming tables out of the way so the visitors could see all the action. It was like a tourist attraction over on our side with so many families stopping by!